Wednesday, February 27, 2013

week 8 EOC : slogen in 10 fonts

it's ok to get your play on  ,with a griffin case on

Week 8 EOC: 10 fonts
1) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on (Arial Unicode MS)
2) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on(franklin Gothic Medium)
3) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on(Gobriola)
4) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on (MV Boli)
5) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on(Segoe Script)
6) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on(Vijaya)
7) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on(Arial Black)
8) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on (BatangChe)
9) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on(DaunPenh)
10) It’s ok to get your play on , with a griffin case on (impact)

(Analysis of Project in the Real World[6])

(Creative Content[5]

·      Who will be involved in the promotion?it is open to everyone but we will have a certain % of a discount that we will sent out to all the new customer throw mail to encourage then to come and check it out and if they were all ready a griffin costumer then they get another discount throw the email
·      When will it happen?it will happen in January because the content is to have a new year resolution to be safer and that include the the phone to
·      How often will you hold a promotional event? we will hold the promotion the same month that it came out.  
“The difference between bad and good creatives is that they both come up with the same pedestrian solutions, but the bad creative stops there and the good creative keeps working toward a more unique and interesting solution.”yes an ad could go both was depending on the type of Audion it is meant for if it is a younger group it will be cool but to expensive or the ad could have to much info and be to lazy to read all the benefit but the only thing that will and need to catch there eye is the word "waterproof" and if it is a old group you point will get throw and they will think for the younger people and how to protect there phone from the toddlers with stick finger to the reckless older people that like to go on wild advent er but it depend on you audience 


Creating the content and interface required us to draw on literally all of Planet's different specialties, across design, motion, interactive, and strategy. We jumped at the chance to help tell Teva's story in such an innovative way.” to promoter it we will first start to draw a story bored to see how the layout come out if it need any editing or rearrangement and if everything come out good then we will make it in to a commercial and even a magazine ads to go with the new big product that can change the way or activities that you didn't do before you were well protected by the griffin case.

The Big Idea[3]

the thing that set my company apart will be that they will treat there phone like a baby or there baby like its the ads are going to be like reckless thing going on but there phone is still safe 
‘If your friend is driving recklessly, say something.’”  in the quote it like hey if you are going to be reckless with you new expensive phone just say something like hey you need to be safer and get the new griffin survivor case and not to worry on how reckless you have or need to be

Competitive analyses[2]

·      How do they draw customers and clients?
·      What amenities or facilities are offered that you don't have?
·      What challenges are they facing?
·      How do they plan on improving?

(1)griffin cases : it ok to get your play on with the griffin case on, final

my product is the new griffin i phone 5 survivor + catalyst  water prof case

Week 7 EOC: pitch for final

Week 7 EOC: pitch for final
I choose to do it on the griffin survivor +catalyst water proof case in my ad I want it to be that the person break really fast that the phone fly’s out throw the window and it shows it in slow motion  and dramatic symphony music going back And forth to the persons face and the cell flying out then it falls in a puddle of water and a car goes over it then the dog pick it up and finds the guy and takes it to him and drops it on the hard floor with his shock face he pick it up and get happy at it didn’t get damage  then it goes to a white back grand and they show the product which is the new griffin survivor + catalyst water prof and then the words getting drop  saying durability resistant and WATER PROF  the new griffin case

Week 8 BOC: progress on final project

WEEK 8 BOC: progress on final project

 Griffin phone case ad, I had in mind to do a TV ad where the seen are going to be very dramatic seen with dramatic music to give you a suspense feeling and slow motion type of thing. I still need to work on my thumb drive sketches and see how they play out with what I had in mind or if they even make sense on paper VS my vision. I still need to do my script but not sure if I would need one because there is not going to be much taking in the TV ad and the only words or talking is going to be in the end when they actually show you the product.  I still need the catch phrase to go with it but in need a bit more time to do more brain storming on the quotes that are require for the final .

Sunday, February 17, 2013

week 6 :EOC: vintage ads

Week 6: EOC: vintage ads
Jolly and green
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 In this add they show the green beans in the field and the green giant then they go to there the little people elf  are collecting the  vegetables and one is just cutting them like whatever then the other one come and tell him no that not how you cut them then he shows them the image of how it is support you be cut then he cuts it for him and cuts the work line then it goes back to the field and the giant green then it show the can with the green beans on the side
Fastback:Vintage Fiat 850 Fastback Original 10 x 13 Advertisement - Authentic, Rare Interior Design Art. Shabby Chic and Classic.
Fast back ; in this ad they  they have the car ad and fiat is from europe and they brought it to america as a fast car so the have a women dress like the statual of liberty  this an american flag dress and thew flame it can be offensive to some people which would thiunk that europe if making fun of them by dringing in a car from them and like it or it could go the other way to europ and american friendship this car back is design to make it go faster by having it flat and in a point arrow form

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 In this add there are too girl shooting arrows and one of the girl almost hits a bull eye and tell the other girl if she could beat that then she does and she say why can’t I never beat Ann then she was we were testing a tooth paste and Ann had regular past and I had toothpaste with fluoristan and she has 21% less cavity s and that was when she finally beat an it was a crest tooth paste ad

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

week 5 EOC:super bowl 2013

Week 5 EOC: super bowl 2013
  • > The nature of the brand or group; DORITOS
  • > The goals of differentiation and distinction
  • > A strategic brand personality; kids convincing their parents
  • > The target audience: family father daughter
  • > What is important to the target audience: that chips are good enough to convince you to play dress up with your kid
  • > Positioning

in this Dorito ad it goes to the family manly to the father daughter  them where the little girl want to play dress up and no one can so the dad happen to pass by and she ask him and he’s like a no so she say I got Doritos and he play with her then the friends come up and they see him and are just looking at him and he pull out more Doritos and they are all dancing and having fun all dress up then the mom come up and see them playing dress up and she look at one of the friend and is like is that my wedding dress and he has chips falling from his mouth and looks down and was like yes so the dress was big and it lit him so it made it seem like she was a big girl back in the day .